2014年12月30日 星期二

How to enable OCP(Intel X520/X550) iscsi/pxe/wol option rom

How to enable OCP(Intel X520/X550) iscsi/pxe/wol option rom

1.Boot up to UEFI with "bootutil" utility (EFIx64 folder)
Enable iscsi option
2.bootutil64e.efi -up=iscsi+efi -nic=1
If fw image exist(Overwrite)
Set primary port
3.bootutil64e.efi -bootenable=iscsiprimary -nic=1
4.bootutil64e.efi -bootenable=iscsisecondary -nic=2

bootutil64e.efi -up=pxe+efi -nic=1

[WOL] wake on lan
bootutil64e.efi  -WOLENABLE -all

2014年12月23日 星期二

How to check linux vga driver

How to check linux vga driver  2016/4/22 update

#Xorg :1 -configure
#cat /var/log/Xorg.1.log
finding LoadModule: "ast"   (Do not use grep)
module version=0.99.10

ast is a vga vender, you can find video to find your vga vender then
check "module version"  is your driver version

2014年12月10日 星期三

How to set root auto login RHEL 7.0 / SLES 12

How to set root auto login RHEL 7.0 / SLES 12

RHEL 7.0
Edit /etc/gdm/custom.conf to add [daemon] 
add the following two lines in the [daemon]


SLES 12 
Open Terminal.
Edit the /etc/sysconfig/displaymanager file.
 vi /etc/sysconfig/displaymanager
To enable the autologin, place your user name (in my case “raj”) in the DISPLAYMANAGER_AUTOLOGIN field; it will look like below.
## Type: string
## Default:
# Define the user whom should get logged in without request. If string
# is empty, display standard login dialog.
To disable auto login, remove the username from the DISPLAYMANAGER_AUTOLOGIN field; it will look like below.
## Type: string
## Default:
# Define the user whom should get logged in without request. If string
# is empty, display standard login dialog.

(TOP)Temp for soulin only